About Me
I am a Taiwanese who has dedicated myself to finding clean food and drinks.
Because I always believe food is not just feed you away from hunger,
the most important is give you great energy and nutrition,
and give strength to fight.
I am glad that I was born in Taiwan where has pass on thousands of years
wisdom of Chinese culture which taught us how to live well
and eat well. This blog will be a good platform for us to share food recipe and teas,
of course my ideal of health. Hope you guys enjoy.
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Distribution and characteristics of tea in the south of Taiwan
Speaking of high mountain tea, you will think of tea in Chiayi area, Alishan Zhulu tea produced in Shizhuo tea area of Zhuqi Township, Meishan Oolong Tea in
North Baozhong, South Oolong
Taipei County The most famous tea in North Taiwan is Wenshan Baozhong Tea 文山包種茶, known as "North Bao Tea, South Oolong 南包種北烏龍". The appearance of the tea is
Drinking warm water is the best way to quench thirst
Drinking warm water in western country is not a normal thing, they even think serving ice water is a polite way in restaurant. But to Chinese culture,
H MART 6款韓國平壤冷麵大集合
韓 國冷麵源自於高麗時期就有的美食,距今有兩百餘年歷史,韓國冷麵正式稱為朝鮮冷麵,根據李氏朝鮮國國後期的史料中記載發源自於十九世紀中葉朝鮮平壤及咸興地區,依地區而分有平壤冷麵(Pyongyang Naengmyeon)及咸興冷麵(Hamheung Naengmyeon),全羅冷麵和首爾冷麵,最為有名的便是平壤冷麵及咸興冷麵,其中最大的不同便是有湯無湯的差別,平壤冷麵是使用牛骨高湯做湯底的水冷麵,而咸興冷麵是用辣椒醬做主要醬汁的拌冷麵。而在麵體上平壤冷麵的麵是使用蕎麥含量較高的蕎麥麵,因此久泡不爛且維持麵條的Q彈有嚼勁,2018年受國際矚目的兩韓峰會中,平壤冷麵就是其中一道國宴菜,而見其重要性及歷史性;咸興地處海產豐富的城市,因此咸興冷麵通常生拌海鮮為主要配料,搭配辣度帶勁的辣椒醬,越辣越涮嘴,據說韓國人認為吃辣可以解壓,所以壓力大的你,也不仿試一試。這次開箱的是帶有酸酸甜甜的牛骨湯底冷麵,讓我們來看看其口味為何~ Surasang 수라상 JangChongDong 수라상 長忠洞水冷麵 HaeDeunNaRA 해든나라 來自Hapchon Food Hangsang 한상 물막국수 水冷麵 HAIO 칡물 냉면 冷水麵 HAIO 녹차 물냉면 綠茶水冷麵 事先準備: 因為冷麵1分鐘內即可煮好,因此,在煮麵之前建議可將配菜先準備起來,通常水冷麵的包裝吃有麵跟醬汁,若是搭配些配菜有畫龍點睛的效果,少了,水冷麵就略為相形失色,也襯托不出水冷麵的好吃
Antiviral foods to boost immunity! Our 5 choices
In recent months, Coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic all over the world which has made everyone palpitated and panic. Except wearing masks, quarantine at home, home disinfection, wash your
Low Milk Production? 6 Kinds Of Category Foods For Lactation-Boosting
⇒Have you ever wondered why no matter how long you pump, can only express less than 2 oz of milk? ⇒Or you have tried different