⇒Have you ever wondered why no matter how long you pump, can only express less than 2 oz of milk?

⇒Or you have tried different methods from internet, still don’t see any increase in breast milk production.

⇒Or maybe you have heard that drinking coconut water & body armors may help with it, is it true?

breast pumping

s a breastfeeding mom, what kind of foods and drinks are better is the key factor for both of you and baby.

        I bet you have known human milk consists of 88% water, the other 12% contain protein, lipid, carbohydrate and minerals.  However, what you may not know is that avoid eating raw and cold food is the first step to help your low milk production.

       The “empty” womb after birth is seen as particularly vulnerable to being harmed by cold according to Traditional Chinese medeicine . As a result, any cold food and drink can lead to cold lodges in the uterus which can cause lochia, as well as blood clots, and even affect milk production.  For instance, coconut water naturally has cooling properties, imagine drinking coconut water will put your uterus in a cold environment and then gradually harm your female reproductive system.  

       In the West, we assess food based on its nutritional value and structure, however, in Chinese medicine, food is considered based on its energetic properties and how these affect the body. Foods are classed as either heating, cooling, drying or damp. Heaty food like spicy dishes, red meat, ginger and some fruits generates warmth in the body. And cooling food, like cucumber, green tea, coconut water , watermelon. Having them in hot summer can cool you down, prevent heatstroke. but these are not suitable foods during postpartum period.If you understand how to balance these energetic properties to heal your body, instead of hurting your body. Then you will be healthier.

Try to listen to your body’s voice (reaction) to prevent illness and disease. 

         For increasing breast milk supply, these 6 kinds of category can help with your low milk production..

1. Multiple meat soups

FIRST OF ALL, you need to opt for protein-rich meat like beef,  pork, lamb and chicken. Any kind of  meat soup with beans is good. Like beef soup, pork rib soup, chicken soup etc. These nourishing bone broth recipes are packed with amino acids, collagen, and minerals that your body needs to heal post-delivery. (Being rich in high-quality protein and many vitamins and minerals, lamb can be an excellent component of a healthy diet, despite lamb has a characteristic odor. Therefore, eating lamb — or other types of meat — may be especially beneficial for bodybuilders and people post-surgery, not to mention postpartum recovery.) .

2. High nutritious grains

SECONDLY, high nutritious grains like rice, oatmeal, black glutinous rice, red bean, black bean soybean and sweet potato. These are all complex carbohydrates, meaning they keep you feeling full longer, keeps blood sugar levels steady and aids in digestion. you can use these foods make in peanuts chicken soup, oatmeal, black glutinous sweet porridge, sweet red bean soup, black bean water, soybean milk, sesame chicken soup.

Cooked white rice contains big amount of resistance starch which  improves bone density by enhancing the absorption of calcium and other minerals in adolescents and postmenopausal women, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. As a result, not to mention good for postpartum mothers to improve bone density.

White rice is also one of the glutamine-rich food. Glutamine is involved in the biological processes that control cell growth and repair, give nutrition to your lumbar during pregnancy and after childbirth. Help lower the risk of herniated disc disease.

3.Nuts and seed

Nuts and seeds contain protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. They are good for your skin and protect you from heart disease.  Nuts like cashews, walnuts, pine nuts and pistachios.  These nuts are great for breastfeeding moms because they are a good non-dairy source of calcium. Breastfeeding moms should have 1,000 mg of calcium daily. and mother milk is also high in calcium also other nutritions, if you don’t get enough of it in your diet, it could negatively impact your bones and teeth.

For the seeds, try sesame seeds. They are also packed with calcium as well as fiber, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and manganese.

Although nuts and seeds have many benefits for breastfeeding mom, mothers who are allergic to peanuts or sesame seeds should avoid eating it!

4. Choose high protein & collagen  rich seafoods

Fresh seafood is also a source of high-quality protein. Like salmon which is rich in vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids these are thought to help ward off postpartum depression. Because it contains large amounts of DHA, a type of fat important for the development of a baby’s nervous system so is great for breastfeeding mothers. Other fish with collagen-rich such as cod fish, halibut, trout and sea bass are also good for making fish soup. Sea bass is especially good for incision healed after c-section. Oysters are also high-protein and rich in calcium, making oyster soup is definitely a boost dish that can’t not be missed.

5. Warm energetic property fruits

MOREOVER, fruits like apple, strawberry, grapes, papaya, kiwi, fig and peach are also great to eat during breastfeeding, using them to make milk shakes are also a very good way to boost your breast milk.

6. Adequate amount of vegetables 

LAST BUT NOT LEAST, vegetables are rich in vitamins A, C, E and K as well as fiber, antioxidants and minerals including calcium. Plus low in calories, but not every veggie is suitableDuring the breastfeeding stage, the selection of vegetables must be careful. Many fruits and vegetables are often considered to be “cooling” food, cooling veggies will affect a decrease in milk production. Choose veggies like  spinach, avacado, kelp sprout, cabbage, broccoli, bok choy, japanese mountain yam etc, can also help with milk production and also get nutrition. Adequate amount of vegetables can provide vitamins and improve constipation, postpartum moms with blood deficiency must eat more dark green vegetables and beef.


warming foods, high nutrition, high water content.

If you want to boost the milk and also be healthy, just follow the 3 principles: warming foods, high nutrition, high water content. And three meals a day + two snacks(can be sweet soup), and each main meal better have “staple food + protein + vegetables“. Basically, eat whenever you feel hungry or after breastfeeding.

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