«Affiliate Disclosure»

When you use this site, you understand and abide by the following rules and regulations on your behalf:

  1. According to FTC regulations, please assume that the merchants and products recommended by this site cooperate with each other. When users link to third-party merchant websites and consume on the site, this site will receive part of the consumption amount as a commission return and maintain the operation and expenditure of this site. But this does not affect the price of any goods you buy, and there is no any extra charge from this site.
  2. This site will not participate in and assist in any disputes between consumers and merchants. Please contact the customer service directly for any cancellations, changes to orders
  3. All the personal information and mailbox address will only for this site to contact readers. We will not forward any letters related to personal information to other parties or merchants for any business use.



  1. 根據FTC規定,請假設本站中所推薦的商家、產品均有合作關係,當使用者於站內連結到第三方商家網站並進行消費,本站將獲得部分消費金額作為傭金回報並維持本站營運的開銷,但這不影響您所購買任何商品的價格,本站也不會多收您任何一分一毛。
  2. 本站將不負責任何讀者與商家之間的交易。任何取消、更改訂單請直接與商家客服聯絡。本站將不參與及協助任何消費者與商家之間的糾紛。
  3. 所有來信諮詢的信件我們不會將資料轉發給其他方或商家,信箱及個人資訊僅供本站與讀者聯繫。