In recent months, Coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic all over the world which has made everyone palpitated and panic.

Except wearing masks, quarantine at home, home disinfection, wash your hands, etc.,  what else can we do?

Improving immunity could also help fight the virus! The immunity is like a protective layer of the body. When foreign harmful substances invade the body, it will activate the mechanism to protect it. At this time, many people will need to discuss how to make the immune system better. Nonetheless, the immunity is not the higher the better. For example, high immunity will cause allergic reactions and autoimmune diseases (such as systemic lupus erythematous), so high and low could possibly damage human health. As a result, it is very important to moderately ingest nutrients from food to enhance immunity.

Eating what kind of food can defeat virus attacking ?

Boost Immune System Foods

High-quality protein:

The body’s immune cells always have the materials they need. The main one is protein, so it is recommended to eat some high-physical protein, like eggs and fish! Here are some options for your reference.

● Beans and Rice
● eggs
● Milk (dairy products)
● Fish
● Meat

Sulfur-containing compounds:

Vegetables like onion and cruciferous can help boost immunity. The cruciferous vegetables, such as cauliflower, cabbage, and kale are good to chop them when eating so that will produce thiosulfate to inhibit the growth of microorganisms.
Allicin: Organic sulfides in garlic, such as allicene have antibacterial effects and can widely inhibit the growth of microorganisms.


Mushrooms, kelp, laver and other algae foods contain many polysaccharides. Researchers have found out the polysaccharide is capable of activating white blood cells that boost immunity during various diseases.

Triterpenoids: Red Quinoa

Quinoa’s high dietary fibre is great for digestion which means nutrients are better absorbed and you get a boost for your immune system.

Less refined sugar:

Foreign reports indicated that eating about 100 grams of sugar reduces the ability of white blood cells to resist disease by more than 50%.

Through these foods, our protective layer can be made stronger and good to fight against Coronavirus (COVID-19), most importantly, bring you health body.

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