

Do more of what you love and feel great

Health is combine with body and mind. What food you eat and what life you have decide you look. Nowadays people all search for their own lifestyle. Although there is no perfect answer, but one thing for sure which is the more desire the more dissatisfaction you may have. I always believe less is more, let's reduce your desire to start with your heath life.

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    Oriental experiences sharing and advices for healthy living

    4 common disinfectants can kill the virus?!?!

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    5 most effective foods to boost immunity!

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    Drinking warm water is the best way to quench thirst.

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    Do you think being vegetarian can absorb all the nutrition we need?

    Many people are vegetarian in order to lose weight, get rid of disease, or pursue health, but some people are getting fatter, even constipated, dysmenorrhea, malnutrition ... and have a bunch of problems. Five myths about being a vegetarian, how many have you committed?

    1.Vegan for taste, refined and easy to gain weight

    2. Being vegetarian means eating vegetables?

    3. Do n’t eat milk eggs and eat too few beans

    4. Fried vegetarian food, polyunsaturated fatty acids

    5. Eat raw food for a long time, and eat cold body

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    "True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It’s the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows & the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years."
    Anonymous • Quote of the Day
    “There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly defeat age."
    Anonymous • Quote of the Day
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