Tangerine are one of the normal winter fruits, but most of us eat them raw. Actually, cooking tangerine has a lot of benefits! Here are some benefits.

1, No diarrhea

Some people eat tangerine easily get ‘shang-huo’ means too much heat inside of your body, symptoms such as sore tongue, dry mouth, dry throat and dry stool and other symptoms. In addition, eat too much tangerine for people with weak spleen and stomach or weak constitutions can easily lead to diarrhea. On the contrary, the vitamins and volatile oil in the tangerine peel will permeate the tangerine after cooking the tangerine. This way, you do not have to worry about diarrhea when you eat them, and you can also achieve health effects.

2. Cough treatment

From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, cooked tangerine can cure colds. The ingredients such as “Nattin” and “tangerine peel oil” in the tangerine peel are broken down, which can achieve the transformation after the tangerine are steamed. The effect of phlegm moisturizing the lungs. As the result, cooked tangerine are effective for cough caused by dryness of the lungs. Cooking tangerine is easy, you can just add little bit of salt and steam it with rice cooker.

ps: in ancient of Taiwan,  family who coughed in winter,  they just throw tangerine directly into the charcoal fire. and eat it directly, just a day can cure the cold.

3. Better for intestine .

The dietary fiber pectin in them is softened after cooking the tangerine. The softened dietary fiber and pectin are more easily digest by the human body, which can promote laxative and reduce cholesterol.

4, Moisturizing the lungs and phlegm

Add some sugar in boiled tangerine soup can moisturize the lungs and phlegm, which is very suitable for the dry weather like winter, but also can clear the stomach, nourish the blood and strengthen the spleen.

5. Lower blood pressure and dilate the coronary arteries of the heart.

Eating cooked tangerine can play a role in strengthening the toughness of the capillaries. It can also lower blood pressure and expand the coronary arteries of the heart. Research has shown that eating cooked tangerine can reduce cholesterol deposited in arterial blood vessels, moreover, it can help reverse atherosclerosis.

The thin inner skin of tangerines contains dietary fiber and pectin, which can promote laxation and reduce cholesterol.
Hesperidin can strengthen the toughness of capillaries, lower blood pressure, and expand the coronary arteries of the heart. Therefore, tangerines are on of the foods that prevent coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis. Studies have confirmed that eating tangerine  can reduce cholesterol deposited in arterial blood vessels and help reverse atherosclerosis.

How To Cook Tangerines

1.  Cook and eat
1) Soak 1-2 cleaned tangerines in 40 ℃ -50 ℃ warm water for 1 minute.
2) After drying the tangerines, heat them in the microwave oven for 1-2 minutes to slightly focus.

Tangerines are full of nutrition even on peel. The pulp is rich in vitamins A, C, B groups, potassium, calcium, folic acid and other nutrients. On top of that, vitamins B, C, and volatile oil in the tangerine peel will permeate the oranges after cooking. This way, you do not have to worry about diarrhea when you eat them, and you can also achieve health effects.
In addition, you can make many delicious meals and drinks, like tangerine peel porridge and tangerine peel tea. Why do you give it a try, it may surprising you.

2. Steam and eat

There are many types of cough. Steamed tangerine have a certain effect on coughs which caused by dryness of the lungs. The ingredients such as “Nacotin” and “orange peel oil” in tangerine peel are broken down after steaming tangerines, which can achieve the effect of phlegm moisturizing the lungs. For those who often cough and have high sputum, eating steamed tangerine can improve this situation, and steamed tangerine can strengthen the stomach and spleen, furthermore, it have a good help for people in depraved appetite.
However, steaming tangerine may relieve your coughing, but not recommended as a substitute for medication, you should go to the hospital in time.

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